9月からイギリスのシェフィールド大学に、明治大学の交換留学をしている オン イーファン です!ここではManagement Schoolに所属しています。
私が履修している科目は、秋学期に Business Intelligence、Enterprise & EntrepreneurshipとInternational Marketing、春学期にDigital Marketing、Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)とInternational Businessです。
Greeting from Sheffield.
I'm Ong Yih Farn who's currently studying abroad at The University of Sheffield (TUoS) through the student exchange program.
Please do forgive me if my blog doesn't spark your interest as this is my first time to write a blog post. Hope you all enjoy it!
In the blink of an eye, I've been here, Sheffield, for more than a month. The transition of living and studying abroad is always challenging, no matter how many times I previously traveled to different countries. It took me some time and even longer than I expected to settle down in Sheffield.
Right now, there is only one thing I haven't got used to, the way of learning. So I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce to you all the modules that I'm taking, and the study environment in general.
In this semester, I'm taking three modules including Business Intelligence, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship, and International Marketing, while in the spring semester, I will be taking Digital Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, and International Business. Each module includes lecture and tutorial. The students have to attend two hours of lecture every week whereas an hour of tutorial every fortnight for each module.
It has been observed that the students here barely express their opinions in lecture, however, they have no hesitation in saying their perspective in tutorial. Frankly, I found myself that I couldn't keep up with the discussion and the learning pace here. Not only the students here are proactive to speak their thoughts in tutorial, but also they are able to think quickly and critically, which is what I really need to learn from them.
To sum up, the modules are relatively less, yet challenging. I hope I will be able to think critically and be on par with the students here before this semester ends.